Week 5 -Technorati and learn how tags

Technorati is the leading search tool and authority on blogs, the number of blogs doubles just about every 6 months with over 51 million blogs currently being tracked by the site.
The IrishBlogDiretory is a directory of blogs of Irish content and of Irish interest, the directory is not solely for Irish people but for anyone who might have an "Irish blog"

So how does a person get their blog listed as part of the blogosphere and how can you tag your posts with keywords to make them more findable through a Technorati search?
The answer to the first question is that your blog is probably already being captured by Technorati due to the fact that you're already using Blogger, the most popular blogging tool.
But if you want to join the party and have your blog officially listed on Technorati and also take advantage of the watchlist and other features, you’ll need to claim your blog yourself.

As for tagging posts with Technorati tags?

This is easy, too. All you need to do is add a little bit of HTML code to the bottom of your post (see my example below LNSS )and Technorati will pick up these tags when it spiders (or web crawls) your site.

There are a lot of new features that have been added to Technorati, including new ways to search for blogs. You can search for keywords in blog posts, search for entire blog posts that have been tagged with a certain keyword, or search for blogs that have been registered and tagged as whole blogs about a certain subject (like photography or libraries).

Discovery Resources:
Technorati Tour – videocast of new features & new look

1.Take a look at Technorati and try doing a keyword search for “Learning 2.0” in Blog posts, in tags and in the Blog Directory. Are the results different?

2.Explore popular blog, searches and tags.
Is anything interesting or surprising in your results?
3Create a blog post about your discoveries on this site.

OPTIONAL: If you're up for a challenge, learn how to tag your posts with Technorati tags so they can join tag searches.

Create a post about something. It can be anything you want and add the HTML code to the bottom to tag it as LNSS .You may also want to consider claiming your blog and creating a watchlist.

NOTE: I just added the code through Blogger's Edit HTML (just put in LNSS ) using Technorati help tag your posts . Don't forget to Label your post LNSS)

Technorati Tag;

1 comment:

  1. I claimed my blog and pinged my blog [don't ask, I just did what I was told!], so now apparently my blog has an authority of 1, but when I searched Technorati it told me that I didn't exist. So I followed instructions, added a html tag 'google books' to my latest blog post, and a link appeared at the end of my post to other blog posts in technorati on google books. I'm not sure whether that link is useful - it clouds the issue a bit, linking to so many other blogs.

    An initial search of Google Books gave me 20,038 hits on technorati, way too many to be useful, and still no sign of my own post. So then I limited the search to title only and to 'any authority' and at last found my post. Alot of hassle for I'm not sure what result. But I'll persevere. When I search University of Limerick by the way I get hit after hit referring to Open/Semantic/Social/Mobile - ring any bells?!


Useful comments!